Deactivate the seeded Separate Remittance Advise Layout in Oracle Fusion Applications

Even if the seeded Separate Remittance Advise (SRA) Layout has already been deactivated from BI Publisher, , it may still appear on the LOV of the SRA Screen.

Take the sample below. the Custom SRA Layout is already selected as the default and the Seeded layout is already Inactive:

However, the seeded layout can still be selected when we go into Payments > Task List > Send Separate Remittance Advise:

To suppress this, go into Setup and Maintenance > Task List > Search and key in "Manage Formats" and search for "Disbursement Separate Remittance Advise Formats":

Open the seeded layout and end-date it:

This will effectively suppress the layout from being selected from the SRA screen:

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